Sunday, December 14, 2014

Introduction to MARK 110: Consumer Behavior with Research Applications

Hello there!

I understand that there are glitches in our class schedule and room assignments that I hope will be resolved when we get back to school in January 2015. Here is a quick recap of administrative matters:
  1. My class schedule and room assignment is shown above. For irregular students, you may choose any of the MARK 110 class schedule above, and let me know which one you are joining.
  2. For regular blocks, kindly make sure that our room assignement is the final one, and please let me know before our first class next year: January 10.
  3. You need to form 5 groups per class. 
  4. You need to send me your class directory complete with mobile numbers, email addresses and listed according to your grouping.
  5. Follow my on Twitter (@notty_romero) and/or Google+ so you can get regular updates about the class. 
For those who missed the first meeting, here are 2 slide decks that I presented:

About Me: A brief introduction about myself, especially for Entre 4-1 and 4-2 classes.

Introduction to the Course and Class Requirements:

Due to time constraints, only MM 4-2 have completed the Class Activity on What type of consumer are you (family/individual). For Entre 4-1 and Entre 4-2, this is an outstanding assignment that you need to submit as a group. Some Entre 4-1 students have already submitted via email. For those who have not done so, you have until Saturday, December 20.

The next assignment is another group assignment- a write-up on the types of people (consumer profiling) you meet in a particular marketplace (restaurant, mall, supermarket,etc). See instructions and samples in the presentation above. MM 4-2 and Entre 4-1 have already submitted last Saturday. For Entre 4-2 and irregular students, this assignment is due on Saturday, December 20.

For everyone, please find time to read the books/ references for this class during the holidays. Give yourself the gift of READING.

There are more things to do, and so little time left. Watch out for more announcements. Happy Holidays!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Welcome to Consumer Behavior

Hello, everyone!

I must apologize for missing a lot of classes this semester. I was only informed of my teaching assignment Week 2 November, and I had a hard time cancelling my Saturday commitments made prior to receiving the teaching load. Nevertheless, I am sorry.

Yes, the holiday is over. Our class will meet on Saturday, 6 December. See you then.

Meantime, some cathing up is in order.

Download the following reading resources for the course through the links below. I expect everyone in the class to have read at least Chapter 1: An Introduction to Consumer Behavior of Solomon et. al. by Saturday.

Main Text: Consumer Behavior: A European Perspective, 3rd Edition, Solomon, et al


  1. Buzz or Zap: Consumer Psychology for the 21st Century, T.L. Brink
  2. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, Robert Cialdini, PhD
  3. Why We Buy, Paco Underhill
May I request MM 4-2 students to share these instructions to Entrep 4-1 and Entrep 4-2 blocks.

For Entrep 4-1 and Entrep 4-2, If you've found your way to this blog, happy landing!

We will use this space in the web as an extension of our classroom learning experience. Here you will find class announcements, summaries of discussions, and other important matters relating to our class. Feel free to leave a comment, or to start a discussion.

Other things that you should be ready by Saturday are the following:

  1. A Gmail/Google+ account
  2. A Twitter account 
Until then. Regards and #StaySafe.                 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

How are you doing with your International Marketing Paper?


I hope you have made good progress with your papers by now. Be sure that you've read the Guide to Developing an International Marketing Plan.

As previously announced, you are to focus on your paper this week, hence no class tomorrow, 27 September.

Here are some more instructions before we finally end the semester:

  1. Due to the monsoon rains and subsequest cancellation of classes last Saturday, we missed our last class day, and the last chapters of our class reporting. In lieu of the live reports, reporting groups are now required to submit their chapter reports in MS PowerPoint format. Include case discussions and examples in the presentation. The report should be sent to me via email not later than 1 October.
  2. Everyone should fill out the Class Directory (click to see the file) ASAP. I'll be sending you an email to a link where you will be asked to do a peer evaluation of your group mates' individual contributions to our class assignments. I request everyone to fill this in immediately so we will not be delayed in the submission of grades. IF by chance your class presidents have an MS Excel or MS Word file of your email addresses, that can also be sent to my email.
  3. Finally, please be reminded that the International MArketing Paper is due on 4 October 2014- in printed format. I can accept your papers from 9am-11am ONLY - at the University Library. After 11am, I will have to compute your final grades for submission on the same day. Class cards will be available for distribution starting 4pm of 4 October.
Should you have questions or clarifications on these instructions, or with your papers, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me - you know how!

Good luck!

Monday, September 15, 2014

International Marketing: Assignments for September 20

Hi there,

Please find below the topics for your reaction papers:

For the rest of the class, please find below your team assignments:

As mentioned last Saturday, September 20 is our last class day. September 27 should be devoted for the preparation of your paper. Guidelines have been posted and can be viewed here.

See you.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

International Marketing: Assignments for September 13

Please see below the list of assignments for this week's session. I understand that the 8:30am class (MARK109-3) will also have their defense on Saturday, coinciding with our class. Therefore, MARK 109-3 will have no class on Saturday BUT reaction papers should be submitted as scheduled.

Here are the topics for your reaction paper. There are 6 videos to choose from. These are topics that are very much related to our previous topic: Channel Strategies.  Avoid duplication of topics, unless there are 7  people in your group.

Everyone is encouraged to watch the videos or read the articles, even if it is not yet your turn to make a reaction paper.

How containerization shaped the modern world - Sir Harold Evans

Amazon. Facebook. Now Google drones?

Walmart Supply Chain

Inside FedEx's 'Superhub' During Christmas Rush

A Behind the Scenes Look at Starbucks Global Supply Chain

We are Maersk - We make change happen

I'm expecting a lively discussion on Saturday. See you then.

Monday, September 8, 2014

International Marketing Debate: Best Speakers and Best Teams

As already announced in class, this is to put on record the best performing speakers and the best performing teams during our Face Off: The International Marketing Debate

First, here are the best speakers and what the jury said in picking them as such:

In choosing the best speaker, we based it on the following criteria: first is the content of the speaker’s topic, how comprehensive and concise it is in describing the said issues. Next is how the speaker delivered his topic and accepts the questions and arguments that the opposing team conveyed. And last one is by how the orator works with his team. 
As a result, the best speaker/interrogator is Sarah Tabaniag from the negative team because she handled her questions confidently together with her partner. She was straight forward with her interrogation and see to it that everything goes with their plan. 
Louie Erickson Pascual from the negative team is chosen as the best speaker in Topic 2. Although his team didn’t win as the best team, Pascual had shown an amazing effort and quality for bringing his team through his words and counter arguments as the opposing team bombarded them with intimidating interrogations.
The first debating team were all good and they all had the potential to be the best speaker, but there was one who stood out from them all. He is Adam Rafael Senica from the Affirmative team. We chose him because we saw in him most of the qualities included in the criteria. He is the closing speaker in the said team but you will definitely notice him, because he showed his awareness and knowledge about both the Affirmative and Negative side. You will see the confidence he has and the informative response he gave to the rebuttals of the negative team. Mostly, he showed the right manners in the debate: loud and clear voice, no unnecessary movements and eye contact to each other.

For the second topic, we decided to choose Arjelyn Armenta to be the best speaker. Ms.Armenta for us is the most efficient in both Affirmative and Negative. You will see, that she attentively listens to the questions thrown by the Negative team and she is good in giving her response. In her speech, you will definitely understand what she wants to deliver and clarify to the Negative side (sic). She spoke well and clearly. 
The best speaker is RuzelleAlcantara who spoke well in her arguments and used the documents available to their team. She also delivered a good closing speech. 
 The best speaker is Charlene Salazar who delivered her argument well and used the documents in her argument. Teamwork was also visible, most especially because arguments were not repeated and the group organized their arguments.
The best performing teams were chosen based on Evidence (substance of facts and arguments), Delivery (debating skills and organization), Interpellation (quality of questions and answers), and the quality of Rebuttal Speech.

The best performing teams in the order of class assignments are the following:

Block 1

Block 2
Block 3

Again, congratulations to all groups for giving a good fight. I also commend all Special Teams for dutifully exercising their role as moderator and jury during the debate.

From my previous post, may I remind everyone what the International Debate Education Association (IDEA) tells us about the importance of debate.
The process of debate offers profound and lasting benefits for individuals, for societies and for the global community as a whole. With its emphasis on critical thinking, effective communication, independent research and teamwork, debate teaches skills that serve individuals well in school, in the workplace, in political life and in fulfilling their responsibilities as citizens of democratic societies. Once students have learned how to debate, they are better able to critically examine the pronouncements of their political representatives and to make informed judgments about crucial issues. - International Debate Education Association

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

International Marketing: September 6 Session Assignments

These are the assignments for this week's session. As stated, make the report short and sweet- focus on the strategies, illustrations, cases and examples. You know the drill.

ALERT: For the 8:30 am class, Group 1 and Group 2 will be presenting, 1 hour each. 

Topics for the Reaction Paper:

What are brands for?

Beyond The Ice Bucket, The Real Challenge Is New Donor Retention

11 Biggest Business Trends in the Philippines -2014

PH jumps 7 notches in WEF competitiveness rankings

Avoid the Mute Button: DOs and DON’Ts of self-promotion on social media

See you on Saturday!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Class Assignments for 30 August

My apologies for the late post. Here are your group assignments for the week. Note that this is a new iteration since we have now entered the second half of the semester.

The report should not take more than an hour. Skip the concepts and definition of terms since we all know by now the fundamentals of Marketing. Get direct to the point. Discuss the examples, illustrations and cases presented in the chapter. Usual reporting criteria applies.

For the Reaction Papers, here are the topics:

Why I refuse to join the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Startup Marketing And How Emotion Drives Customer Action

Obama campaign manager is Uber’s new SVP for Policy and Strategy

Lastly, I've noticed a decline in Marketing News shared over Twitter these past few weeks. Let's get back to the habit of sharing what you've read or what caught your attention: news, stories, articles, videos, photos. You may add up your thoughts about the topic in 140 words or less.

See you all on Saturday!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Countdown to Finals

The semester is about to end, so here is how we are going to end it: an international marketing proposal for a company based in the Philippines.

This is a group assignment.

To begin your writing process, you need to choose a company or a product to market in an international jurisdiction. Coincidentally, this weekend, 22-24 August is the 10th Global Pinoy Bazaar where Filipino-made products will be displayed in an exposition at the World Trade Center in Pasay City.

You may follow @YabangPinoy on Twitter and the official Facebook event page to get more information about the trade show.

Instead of conducting our regular class on Saturday, I enjoin you to drop by the 10th Global Pinoy Bazaar anytime from 23-24 August to choose from among the exhibitors what you think is the most promising product from the most interesting exhibitor at the expo. The Bazaar is open from 11AM to 9PM.

ALERT: For the 8:30AM class, we will hold class session for your International Marketing Debate on Saturday, 23 August. You may visit the bazaar after class or on Sunday.

Admission fee however will be collected at P100 per person. If that will be a problem in your group, you may just assign 2-3 people to attend the bazaar to scout for your paper topic. Group members can chip in for the admission fee of those attending. Those not attending may be assigned other tasks related to completion of your International Marketing Proposal. In other words, make teamwork work for you.

But if you want to get additional exposure and experience, I strongly suggest you to be there.

Here is what you will do at the Bazaar:
  1. Look around for what you believe is the most interesting and most promising product to introduce in an international market.
  2. Mingle around, talk to the owners, ask questions. Be genuinely interested.
  3. Test the product as much as you can. If it is a food and there's a free tasting, grab the chance. If they sell shoes, try it. 
  4. Ask for calling cards - and the product/company's Twitter/ Instagram accounts
  5. Take a photo with the product that you liked. Post them later on Twitter/Instagram. Tag the company and the organizer @YabangPinoy plus #MARK109
    and #YabangPinoy
  6. Tell them you are a Marketing student and you are interested to help them devise a marketing strategy for the product's entry to the international market (as part of your International Marketing course). You may tell them after the event (via email or Twitter) as the owners will be understandably busy with other customers at the bazaar. 
  7. Pick at least three products/companies. Your group will later decide which one is most interesting/promising.
Check out the Guide to Writing an International Marketing Proposal for the complete instructions.

We will meet on August 30 with our regular class assignments (to be posted later), and the result of your mid-term exam. 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

International Marketing Debate: Guidelines for Competing Teams

Here are the guidelines for the class debate on Saturday. As I have said in class, the debate is your mid-term requirement.

First, let us answer a fundamental question: why debate?
The process of debate offers profound and lasting benefits for individuals, for societies and for the global community as a whole. With its emphasis on critical thinking, effective communication, independent research and teamwork, debate teaches skills that serve individuals well in school, in the workplace, in political life and in fulfilling their responsibilities as citizens of democratic societies. Once students have learned how to debate, they are better able to critically examine the pronouncements of their political representatives and to make informed judgments about crucial issues. - International Debate Education Association
As students of Marketing and Business Administration, you should develop confidence in presenting an idea, taking a position and defending it, and convince other people to accept your position as their own. These skills are necessary in real life- during a job interview, when pitching a plan or a product to a client, or when marketing a product to your target customers. You must learn how to make sound arguments, learn to get your facts and make these facts work for you. You must also learn how to accept a differing opinion, demolish and ultimately, win an argument. Lastly, our debate exercise will allow you to work in teams, do research together, and conduct your presentations with grace under pressure. This debate exercise will test all these, plus your understanding of International Marketing.

Now the rules.

We will be using a modified Oxford-Oregon debate format. For reference, read the rules of debate and some helpful tips to do well in a debate and apply the modifications as I have explained it in class last meeting.

You will be judged according to the following criteria:

Evidence (or substance of facts and arguments presented) - 25%
Delivery (how the arguments are presented) - 30%
Interpellation (how questions were answered; how you question the opposing team) - 30%
Rebuttal/Closing Speech (how you counter the arguments presented by the opposing team) - 15%

The best speaker on the other hand will be judged according to (1) content or substance of the arguments, (2) quality of delivery and (3) teamwork.

For content (40%), the speaker must demonstrate:

Relevant, reasonable and consistent arguments with a defined structure and coherent points. Introduces some evidence to support argument. It should be of high quality argument, imaginative and coherent. Sound arguments should be backed up by examples or evidence, and must deal fully with the subject and is challenging for the other side to respond to.

For delivery (40%), the speaker must:

Have a good quality performance in which the speaker only uses brief notes occasionally, only uses wild hand actions where appropriate and has a confident air which is rarely put off by the acrobatics of other competitors. The speaker speaks clearly and makes eye contact with the panel and the competitors and does not appear to be rushing or dragging out their speech.

The speaker must speak confidently at the perfect tempo and must be able to deal with heckling and requests to give way effectively. He/She must never lose his/her place and appear to have the entire debate under his/her control.

For teamwork (20%), the speaker must:

Show clear evidence of team preparation with each member aware of the topics he/she is to cover to avoid excessive repetition of the partner's arguments. References to partner's arguments appear natural and unscripted.

Remember that the debating teams must present their arguments based on:

  • Whether or not it is Necessary? (Necessity)
  • Whether or not it is Beneficial? (Beneficiality)
  • Whether or not it is Practical? (Practicability or Do-ability)
You may view the following videos as further references:

Good luck!

(Next up is guidelines for Special Teams/ Jurors)

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

International Marketing: Week 6 Assignments

Before we proceed to our next lesson, may I enjoin everyone to watch these culture-sensitive advertisement videos by HSBC, an international bank that has positioned itself as "the world's local bank" and prides itself with its deep understanding of cultures where it operates.

For those who will be writing a reaction paper, you may include the collection of videos above as one of the topic choices for your reaction paper. Other topics are the following:

The Gentle Art of Crossing Borders

The rise of the sharing economy

For group assignments, here you go:

See you guys on Saturday!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Christmas in July

Christmas has arrived early - since all of you have been good boys and girls - except for your habit of not reading your textbook- which is not nice at all, we will NOT be holding a class on Saturday, 26 July 2014, to give you the opportunity to enjoy your conference till late night of Friday.

We will meet again on 2 August 2014. Group assignments will be posted soon.

Meantime, I expect you to be reading your trigger documents and other references for the Face Off: The International Marketing Debate, which is slated to happen on 9 August.

Enjoy your conference and remember to be social - share, tweet and upload key highlights- and build your network by making new friends.

Monday, July 14, 2014

International Marketing: Week 5 Assignments

Topics for Reaction Paper:

Details of Assignments:

As always, questions or clarifications should be raised in the comment section below so others can keep track of the answers.

Thanks, and see you!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Face Off: The International Marketing Debate

Topic 1: Resolve, that the Philippines should lift restrictions on foreign ownership for inclusive and accelerated growth

Here are trigger documents that you can use as references:

Topic 2: Resolve, that the Philippines should harness its mineral potential as a source of competitive advantage

Here are trigger documents that you can use as references:


  1. Trigger documents are meant to keep you started by getting yourselves familiar with arguments from both sides. After reading the trigger documents, you can start getting more sources by reading opinion articles, positions papers, or by interviewing credible resource persons on the topic.
  2. Please also read the rules on debate that we will follow-- here and here. Full mechanics will be discussed in our meeting on 19 July.
  3. Special Teams should also read the trigger documents and do your own research of the topic.
  4. Send your comments or questions below so others can track the discussions.
Good luck!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

International Marketing Week 4 Assignments

Happy New Month! Please see below your class assignments for our meeting on Saturday, 5 July.

Reflection Paper:

Japan under our skin

Monday, June 23, 2014

Week 3 Assignments

Here are the assignments for our next meeting: 28 June 2014. Since Mark 109-3 is not yet settled down with our own classroom, please refer to Week 2 Assignments instead. (If you have news about our permanent classroom for the sem, please tell me. Thanks).

For all students: Required reading of Chapter 2 of Onkvisit and Shaw (Trade Theories and Economic Development), plus reading and sharing of current events in International Marketing.

UPDATE! Sorry for the confusion. I have mixed up the group assignments. Let us all revert to what was agreed during class. Can somebody from Block 1 and 2 post the group assignments in the comment section below? Thank you.

Group 3: Reaction Paper on the following topics:

Filipino Fast Food Taste Test

Binalot eyes Middle East expansion
Sun, sea and surfing
You are however still free to pick another topic if you so decide. Just remember to link me up to the original article for my reference. 

Group 4: Report on Chapter 2 of Onkvisit and Shaw (Trade Theories and Economic Development), including Case 2.1 The United States of America vs The United States of Europe. Remember the criteria for effective presentation- informative value, interactivity and creativity.

Note on presentations (this applies to all sections/blocks): If you require a multimedia projector to play video/s, please tell me ahead of time. The videos should be uploaded in the Google Drive before the class if you wish to use my computer. If you cannot manage that, you may bring your own laptop. For security reason, I will not allow you to access your files through my computer using a flash drive. Powerpoint presentation is not allowed.

Group 5: Graphic recap of the presentation.

Group 1 and Group 2: Rate the presentations using the criteria above.

Read again the instructions for the assignments in my previous post if you want more clarification.

See you in class. Please come prepared.

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