I hope you have made good progress with your papers by now. Be sure that you've read the Guide to Developing an International Marketing Plan.
As previously announced, you are to focus on your paper this week, hence no class tomorrow, 27 September.
Here are some more instructions before we finally end the semester:
- Due to the monsoon rains and subsequest cancellation of classes last Saturday, we missed our last class day, and the last chapters of our class reporting. In lieu of the live reports, reporting groups are now required to submit their chapter reports in MS PowerPoint format. Include case discussions and examples in the presentation. The report should be sent to me via email not later than 1 October.
- Everyone should fill out the Class Directory (click to see the file) ASAP. I'll be sending you an email to a link where you will be asked to do a peer evaluation of your group mates' individual contributions to our class assignments. I request everyone to fill this in immediately so we will not be delayed in the submission of grades. IF by chance your class presidents have an MS Excel or MS Word file of your email addresses, that can also be sent to my email.
- Finally, please be reminded that the International MArketing Paper is due on 4 October 2014- in printed format. I can accept your papers from 9am-11am ONLY - at the University Library. After 11am, I will have to compute your final grades for submission on the same day. Class cards will be available for distribution starting 4pm of 4 October.
Should you have questions or clarifications on these instructions, or with your papers, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me - you know how!
Good luck!