Please be reminded of the following, as agreed in class last Saturday:
- Each group needs to upload the most recent version of your paper to Google Drive. We need to make sure that all your papers are fit for final printing and submission to CME. Please also use new file naming convention: MARK 106[Section] [Company Name] [Final]. All updated files should be uploaded on or before Saturday, 1 March.
- Deadline of submission is on Saturday, 8 March. Printed on a hard bound black cover.
- It should have an Approval Sheet right after the cover page, and right before the Acknowledgment page. Your Page 1 is the Executive Summary. All pages before the Executive Summary, are counted as i, ii, iii, and so on. To illustrate:
Page A: Hard Cover (same with Title Page)
Page B: Inside front cover (blank)
Page C: False cover (blank)
i. Title Page
ii. Approval Sheet
iii. Acknowledgment (optional)
iv. Table of Contents
Page 1: Executive SummaryThe Table of Contents (ToC) starts with Executive Summary. All the rest are preliminary pages and should not be included in the ToC.
...and so on.
A sample of an Approval Sheet is shown below (click to enlarge).
Online consultations continue especially for those who were required to revise their papers. My communication lines are always open to you. Just let me know in advance should you need real time feedback. I'll be on the road on a business trip most of the time this week so please bear with me.
That's all for now.